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For other uses, see Kraven the Hunter (disambiguation)
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"I stared Death in the face, and for the first time... I saw my true self."
―Sergei Kravinoff[src]

Sergei Kravinoff (Russian: Сергей Кравинов) is a Russian immigrant, an international people hunter, the son of gangster Nikolai Kravinoff and his late wife, and the half-brother of Dimitri Smerdyakov. Since their childhood, Sergei and Dimitri were trained by Nikolai to be hunters and strong men, however, Sergei was attacked by a lion that would cause his death, but he was saved by Calypso's potion and gained powers in relation to animals and the land. After arguing with his father over killing the same lion, Sergei fled his home and hid in Russia, where he developed his powers and became a violent vigilante around the world, becoming known worldwide as Kraven the Hunter.

Returning to London for Dimitri's birthday, Kraven met his savior, Calypso, and they formed a mutual partnership for him to complete his list of evil people to kill. Following Dimitri's kidnapping, Kraven set out to rescue him, without his father's intervention, and received the support of Calypso in attempting to track down his captors, which involved him in a conflict with the power-hungry criminal known as Rhino, who was previously rejected by Nikolai for an alliance, although Kraven, aided by Calypso, confronted Rhino and his criminal empire, defeating the altered human. Discovering Nikolai's conspiracy and responsible for Kraven's revelation, he confronted his father and had him killed by a bear, causing Dimitri to take his father's position, while Kraven received a lion skin jacket left by Dimitri to continue his missions.


Early Life[]

Raised by Nikolai[]

Sergei Nikolaevich Kravinoff was born in Volgograd, Russia, to Russian gangster Nikolai Kravinoff and his wife Anna Kravinoff. He later gained a half-brother named Dimitri from his father's mistress Sonya Smerdyakova and the boys became inseparably closed. During his childhood, Sergei and Dimitri were trained by their father to become strong and fearsome men through abuse, but they love to spend their summer with their mother in a hidden animal sanctuary that his maternal relatives owned in Russia.[2]

Mother's Death[]

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Hunting the Tsar Lion[]

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Saved by Calypso[]

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Arguing with Nikolai[]

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Running Away[]

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Self-Discovery Search[]

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Myth of the Hunter[]

Gaining a Name[]

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Assassination of Seymon Chorney[]

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Assassination of Andre Lavigne[]

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Meeting Calypso[]

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Conflict with his Father[]

Dimitri's Birthday[]

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Kidnapping of Dmitri Kravinoff[]

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Confronting Nikolai[]

"Embrance who you really are son, and you will become the legend."
Nikolai Kravinoff to Sergei Kravinoff[src]

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Infiltration in Ozdemir Monastery[]

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Taking refuge with Calypso[]

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Ambushed by Rhino's Soldiers[]

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Skirmish in Russia[]

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Assassination of Nikolai Kravinoff[]

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New Adventures[]

Confronting Dimitri[]

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Accepting his Role[]

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Publicly Known[]

Sergei Kravinoff became a nemesis to the superhero Spider-Man, developing a "vendetta" against the masked vigilante.[3][4] Kraven the Hunter's name eventually became well-known enough to the Americans to be used by The Daily Bugle as a word for their newspapers' crosswords.[1][5]


"You're a goddamn lunatic."
"Oh, you just figured that out now?"
Calypso and Sergei Kravinoff[src]

To be added

Powers and Abilities[]


"Tell me about this hunter."
"They say he uses a connection with animals to track his prey, and once you're on his list, there's only one way off."
Aleksei Sytsevich and Foreigner[src]
  • Animal Imitation: The special potion given to him by Calypso bequeathed Kravinoff an innate faculty to emulate and proportionally implement the unique skills & abilities of various creatures in the wild. The strength of lions, speed of gazelles, agility of simians, etc. All of which sit at the fingertips of the superhuman Kraven.
    • Enhanced Strength: Kraven's strength, derived from a potion, surpasses normal human limits, rivaling that of animals like lions and buffaloes. He has demonstrated this enhanced strength by easily overpowering two men restraining him, throwing another man across a room, and significantly impacting a moving vehicle during a chase.  He even managed to dent bulletproof glass with a punch and briefly ground a helicopter by grabbing its ladder.  While he possesses the strength to send someone like Rhino flying with a kick—a feat made more impressive by the fact they were on a moving truck, making Rhino less stable—Rhino's dense hide prevents Kraven from inflicting serious injury.
    • Enhanced Durability: His durability is remarkably heightened against conventional means, as he landed after a fall without crippling his legs, was pierced through a bulletproof window with no marks on his hands, and even survived being dropped with a scaffold onto him. Although he isn’t bulletproof as weaponry like (knives and bullets) are susceptible to his flesh, he can endure attacks from other individuals with superhuman abilities like the Rhino's.
    • Enhanced Speed: Kravinoff's speed comes from feats similar to that of a (tiger or cheetah), as he could run into the forest to catch a deer during his youth and take on two armed hunters. He could throw a knife at one of them while jumping in rapid succession before both could react. During his prison escape, he escaped the gunfire by running miles through a storm in time to reach his plane. The full manifestation of this trait was when he chased down four kidnappers who had kidnapped his brother, running through buildings and platforms to chase them before the helicopter could take off.
    • Enhanced Senses: In addition to the serum, he possesses heightened senses of (sound, smell, and vision) as his hearing can pick up conversations, smelling can detect perfumes that came from subjects that imprinted onto others, and his vision is equal to that of a hawk to see at greater distances.
    • Enhanced Reflexes: Kraven possesses quicker reaction to dodge, anticipate, and reflect the movements of incoming threats. It was demonstrated by the rocket launcher firing a shot at him from his headquarters through the forest and falling before it could hit him.
    • Enhanced Dexterity: His body coordination has improved, giving him incredible agility and maneuverability. He has been able to climb and switch positions in the prison, even jumping onto the roof and landing directly on his feet with ease. This trait is primate-like as he moves between walls like a spider monkey, usually agile enough to even climb ledges without losing control.
  • Animal Companionship: Kraven has an affinity for any and all beings of the animal kingdom, forming an empathic rapport with most any faunal critter he comes in contact with. Enabling him to rally and command voluminous numbers of various beasts of burden to act on his behalf or fight beside him in battle.
    • Taming: Sergei's newfound abilities enable the titular hunter enables him to bond with and subjugate most forms of animal life he makes contact with. These abilities prove useful for effective misdirection and information gathering.


"Why do you hunt?"
"My father puts evil into the world, I take it out."
Calypso and Sergei Kravinoff[src]
  • Expert Hunter/Tracker: As a young man, Sergei went hunting with his father, but after being attacked by a lion, Calypso forced him to swallow her own potion to save his life. After awakening to his newfound powers, he decided to live in solitude to learn the ways of the beasts and protect the lands from poachers. Over the years, Karvinoff earned a reputation for hunting and killing those in his father's organization who were difficult to reach but had no equal in his skills.
  • Expert Marksman: To be added
  • Expert Combatant: To be added
"Охотник - это миф.[6]"
"В каждом мифе есть доля правды.[7]"
Seymon Chorney and Sergei Kravinoff[src]
  • Multilingualism: To be added




  • Calypso Ezili - Savior, Close Friend and Love Interest
  • Aliya Kimani
  • Ellie - Friend
  • Mofo



  • In the comics, Sergei Nikolaevich Kravinoff is a big game hunter who sought to defeat Spider-Man in order to prove he is the greatest hunter in the world, as well as taking on the moniker of Kraven the Hunter. He is also one of the members of the Sinister Six along with Vulture, and Doctor Octopus.
  • Kraven Pastries is an easter egg to Kraven the Hunter.

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Kraven the Hunter.
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The Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Kraven the Hunter.

External Links[]
