Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki

"You know, it doesn't matter if you kill me anyway, because there's something way bigger afoot in this world than you and me. Much bigger than me. And it's much, much bigger than you. Karma's a bitch."
ā€•Eddie Brock to Roland Treece[src]

The Kidnapping of Eddie Brock occurred when Eddie Brock was kidnapped and interrogated by Carlton Drake to reveal the location of the Venom symbiote.


After Venom's attack on a SWAT team, Anne Weying saw Eddie Brock as Venom and decided to take him to the hospital in order to take off the symbiote, a drone then spied on Anne driving. Confronted by Anne in her car, Eddie tried to explain what had happened to him, with Venom prompting Eddie to apologize to her for his selfish actions. Once in the hospital, Anne and Dan Lewis told him that the "parasite" was killing him, which resulted into Venom attacking Dan but Anne used ultrasound to force Venom off from Eddie. Eddie felt excruciating pain while hearing hyper active sound, resulting in the symbiote unbonding with Eddie.[1]


Eddie furiously yells at Venom for slowly killing him and told him that he was done and walked away, leaving the symbiote behind. As Eddie goes into an elevator, he was tazed and captured by Roland Treece and his men. The symbiote escapes through ventilation and bonds with a dog, Venom then witnesses how Roland takes Eddie away, Venom is then found by Anne and convinces her to bond with him in order to rescue Eddie.

Riot interrogates Eddie

Riot interrogates Eddie Brock

Taken into the Life Foundation's facility, Eddie woke up on a tied up chair. Eddie attacked Treece after he fails to intimidate him but Carlton Drake arrives and told him and his mercenaries to get out. Drake asked where Venom is but Eddie responded that he didn't know. Drake changed into a symbiote in order to intimidate him but couldn't get any answer and finally asked Treece to execute him in the woods.

She-Venom rescues Eddie

She-Venom rescues Eddie Brock

Treece and his men take Eddie to the woods and plan to execute him, Brock tried to take the gun off of Roland but failed and was thrown to the ground. Treece prepared to execute Eddie, unbeknownst to him that Anne Weying had bonded with the Venom symbiote, She-Venom then stealthily took out the two thugs behind him. Anne grabbed Roland and bit his head off, she then took Eddie and kissed him while transferring the Venom symbiote back to him.[1]


While Anne reacts horrified to what she just did, Venom informs Eddie about Riot and his intentions to commence an invasion of Earth. Eddie transforms into Venom and the two go fight alone leaving Anne behind as it was too dangerous for her. While on their way to the space shuttle launch of the Life Foundation, the two talk about their chances of winning before trying to stop Riot.[1]

