For other uses, see Venom (disambiguation) |
- "That there is Don Quixote and the guy next to him is, uh, Sancho Panza. They’re two very different people who have very different takes on the world. Different ways of doing things. Sometimes they didn’t like each other a whole lot, but ultimately… they worked together to bring out the best in each other."
- ―Eddie Brock to Venom[src]
Edward Brock is a journalist, former investigative reporter, and the former host of the symbiote known as Venom. Prying and inquisitive, Brock's impertinence got him and his ex-fiancée, Anne Weying, fired after confronting Life Foundation CEO Carlton Drake for his illegal experiments. Six months later, Brock infiltrated the Life Foundation Headquarters in hopes of exposing them, but instead became bonded with an alien symbiote known as Venom. Hunted down by Drake's mercenaries, Brock and Venom teamed up to stop Drake after discovering that he bonded with another symbiote called Riot, incinerating the pair in an explosion and exposing the Life Foundation for their numerous crimes. With the battle won and his career revitalized, Brock decided to remain bonded with the symbiote, operating in San Francisco as Venom.
Over the next year and a half, Brock became heavily involved in the case of convicted serial killer Cletus Kasady, interviewing him at the behest of Detective Patrick Mulligan. After Venom attacked Kasady on his cell, the symbiote and Brock separated, but were forced to bond again after Kasady acquired his own symbiote from a portion of Brock's blood, allowing him to break out of prison and go on a rampage. After killing Kasady and Carnage, Eddie and Venom made amends and went into hiding as fugitives. While in hiding, Eddie and Venom were temporarily transported to another universe due to a botched magical spell. They learned about several superheroes of that universe before being sent back to their own, but not before a piece of Venom was left behind.
Realizing that the report of their search had arrived in Mexico, Brock and Venom made the decision to travel to New York City to have a judge clear Brock's name, however, the duo learned of the arrival of the Xenophages, who were sent by Knull to obtain Venom's Codex, and were pursued by Rex Strickland's military team, who wanted to stop Knull. During their escape, Brock and Venom befriended Martin Moon and his family in search of aliens and reunited with Mrs. Chen in Las Vegas. Eventually, the duo were captured in Area 51, but with the arrival of all the Xenophages, Brock and Venom allied themselves with Strickland's team and other Symbiotes who also sought to protect Earth from Knull. Deciding to sacrifice themselves, Brock and Venom sent the Xenophages into an acid bath to kill them, but Brock was saved by Venom, who sacrificed himself to protect the planet. Granted a pardon by the government, Brock began a new life in New York City and promised himself to never forget his best friend.
Early Life[]
- "No wonder daddy could never look at you again after you killed his wife, your mother, just by being born."
- ―Cletus Kasady to Eddie Brock[src]
Edward Brock was born before his mother died at childbirth, which lead his father into longtime depression and having a deep hatred over him.[1]
The Eddie Brock Report[]
Moving to San Francisco[]
- "I'm Eddie Brock, and this is The Brock Report."
- ―Eddie Brock[src]

Brock hosting The Brock Report
Brock and his fiancée Anne Weying moved to San Francisco after Brock was fired from the Daily Globe due to an incident that happened in his job, resulting into moving in Anne's home. In San Francisco, Brock would go on to establish his own career again and even getting his own show called The Eddie Brock Report in MNBN. On his show, Brock criticized the actions of the state by asking uncomfortable rhetorical questions, reporting cases of Silicon Valley overlords, homelessness increasing, massive demonstrations in Oakland, real-estate bribery story and a mysterious murder in San Mateo Landfill.[2]
Interviewing Carlton Drake[]
- "You're finished, Mr. Brock."
"Is that a threat?" - ―Carlton Drake and Eddie Brock[src]

Brock goes on a date with Anne Weying
When the organization known as the Life Foundation had made a discovery, Brock was assigned by his boss, Jack, to interview the CEO of the Life Foundation, Carlton Drake, much to Brock's reluctance as he considered Drake an immoral person. After having a date with Anne, Brock noticed an email sent by her by a law firm, having a few lawsuits against the Life Foundation that had to do with a few murders from human experimentation.

Brock interviews Carlton Drake
The next day, Brock interviewed Drake about how he earned the success for his company, until he turned the interview into a hit piece with the mention of Drake using people as human test subjects for an experiment that was killing them, resulting in Brock being quickly thrown out. Brock was soon after fired by Jack for making accusations without evidence. Going to Anne's workplace, Brock tried to rationalize his situation, but Anne decided to break up with him after she was fired for Brock's actions and commitment to his relationship.[2]
Bonding with Venom[]
Meeting Dora Skirth[]

- "I follow people that do not wanna be followed. You have to learn how to hide in plain sight. I'm pretty good at it... But you? You suck."
- ―Eddie Brock to Dora Skirth[src]
Six months later, Brock was now broke and struggling to find work. Brock walked into a convenient store where Brock banters with Mrs. Chen, well buying some food, a man walked inside the store and told her that if she did not have her money ready, she will die. After the robber left the store, Brock buys the food he needed and felt sorry for what Chen is going through. Heading home, Brock saw his neighbor, Ziggy and his girlfriend, he then enters his room and tries to meditate but was interrupted by his Ziggy's electric guitar and tries to drown out the noise with his pillow.

Brock talking to Anne Weying about their relations
One day, Brock visited the convenience store again, where he was followed by Dora Skirth of the Life Foundation, who asked for his help. Listening to Dora's reasoning on Carlton Drake's crimes, Brock refused to help, heading home instead. Before he could go home, Brock visited Anne Weying at her home but was disappointed when she was not there. Weying would then come back home and was accompanied by her new boyfriend, Dan Lewis. Once Lewis left them to talk, Brock explained on what he was doing there and told her that he missed her; however, Weying left the conversation ending on how it was too late to fix their relationship and wanted him to move on.[2]
Infiltrated in the Life Foundation[]

Brock noticing Maria inside of her capsule
- "Drake is trying to put human beings and aliens together? So they can live in space?"
"That's nuts, isn't it? That's completely insane." - ―Dora Skirth and Eddie Brock[src]
After pondering the idea, Brock came to the Life Foundation in order to use evidence that will expose them of their wrongdoings, with the help of Dora Skirth. Sneaking through the place and entering an elevator, Brock was told that the test subjects were homeless people that are used to bond with certain lifeforms that the company had come into contact with. Eddie then entered inside the facility and noticed numerous people that were dead due to symbiosis. While photographing evidence inside the facility, Brock encountered Maria and tried to break her out until an alarm went off. Breaking out of her capsule, Brock became bonded with a symbiote.

Brock running away from security guards
After defeating security guards, Brock escaped from the facility and ran through the woods. Brock ran through a tree bark that resulted into him being tripped over and quickly got himself back up. Needing to get away, Eddie jumped onto a tree in order to hide away from the guards. Once the coast was cleared, Brock headed back to his apartment. Brock then called Anne and tried to come to contact with Dora about what happened at the Life Foundation. Brock felt incredibly hungry and decided to eat frozen tater tots and chicken from the garbage, but this resulted in him becoming sick and vomited it all into the toilet. Later, Brock went to the bathroom to clear his head but heard a strange voice and was startled backwards by the symbiote appearing in the mirror and into the bathtub.[2]
Chased by Roland Treece[]

Brock suffers the sounds from Ziggy's apartment
The next day, Brock visited Anne Weying who was on a date with Dan Lewis inside a restaurant, and he wanted to talk about Carlton Drake but was heavily distracted by his hunger and wanted to eat something alive. Brock went inside a lobster tank and starts to eat them. Fortunately, before the cops could be called, Lewis decided to help him, to which Eddie agreed. Eddie went to hospital and got examined in an MRI but was interrupted by the sound waves and decided to leave with Lewis asking him to comeback if he's ready. Back into his home, Brock heard Ziggy playing his electric guitar loudly, Brock interrupted his session by knocking on his door.

Brock defeating Roland Treece and his men
Brock politely asked him to turn it down, but when he refused, Brock accidentally let Venom come through, scaring Ziggy, who agreed to turn his music down. Calling Anne, Brock attempted to apologize to her and explained that he was feeling unwell and hearing a voice, but the symbiote interrupted their conversation. Brock eventually grew crazed, wishing for the symbiote to leave his body. However, when some thugs came to his door, looking to acquire the symbiote, it helped him fend them off. Brock made a run for it, coming to realize what was inside of him.

Brock recovers and transforms into Venom
Brock hopped on a motorcycle, slowly getting away from the thugs with Venom's help, only to be hit by a van. When the driver of the van, another thug, hopped out, the symbiote took over Brock's body, enveloping him and lifting Roland Treece up off the ground. After expressing his desire of consuming the Roland, Venom was shot by another thug, resulting in him turning around and biting the man's head off, before being shot by the police. Venom swam away, before disappearing back into Brock. Brock noticed he recovered from his injuries, as soon as he acknowledged Venom, the symbiote then appeared from him. Brock seemed disgusted by Venom eating someone, to which Venom replied it was "fuel in the tank" and that the symbiotes had found a species to bond with.[2]
Attacked by the SWAT Team[]
Understanding that the symbiote could eat anybody else, Brock went back to his former workplace but was stopped by Richard. Brock then asked him if he could go to the boss' office, but Richard refused. Suddenly, Venom then ordered Eddie to eat his brains out, with Eddie yelling at Venom that Richard was his friend before leaving. Brock wondered how to get up to his boss's office and has the idea of changing back into Venom. Brock climbed up onto the top of the building where Venom noticed how beautiful Eddie's world is and was ashamed that it will be taken over. Brock and Venom were affected by the sounds of an airplane traveling above them and fell down from the building. Brock was saved by Venom and told that he got both of them.

Brock broke into his former boss' office where he put a note and his phone with all the evidence against Carlton Drake on the table. Brock took the elevator because of his fear of heights but encountered a SWAT team that tried to arrest him. Brock warned the team to not fight him, but they ordered the crew to put their masks on. Eddie mockingly repeated the order to Venom and let him take over and take all of the S.W.A.T team down. After Brock ordered Venom to not eat the policeman, Anne Weying sees Brock as Venom and decided to take him to the hospital and take off the symbiote.[2]
Captured by the Life Foundation[]

Brock angrily experiencing loud sound waves
- "I guess it pays to be a specialist, huh? You know, it doesn't matter if you kill me anyway, because there's something way bigger afoot in this world than you and me. Much bigger than me. And it's much, much bigger than you. Karma's a bitch."
"I don't believe in karma." - ―Eddie Brock and Roland Treece[src]
Confronted by Anne in her car, Brock tried to explain what had happened to him, with Venom prompting Eddie to apologize to her for his selfish actions. Taken back to the hospital, Anne and Dan told him that the "Parasite" was killing him, which resulted into Venom attacking Dan but Anne used ultrasound to force Venom off from Brock. Brock felt excruciating pain while hearing hyperactive sound, resulting in the symbiote to being unbonded with Brock. Furiously, Brock yells at Venom for slowly killing him and told him that he was done and walked away. As Brock goes into an elevator, he was tazed and captured by Roland Treece and his men.

Brock is captured and questioned by Carlton Drake
Taken into the Life Foundation's facility, Brock woke up on a tied-up chair. Brock attacked Treece for his failure of intimidation, but Drake arrived and told him and his mercenaries to get out. Drake asked where Venom is, but Brock responded he doesn't know. Drake immediately transformed into a huge monster in order to intimidate him but couldn't get any answer and asked Treece to execute him in the woods.

Brock kissing She-Venom
When Treece was about to execute him, Brock distracted him long enough so that Venom, who bonded with Anne, can take out all the other guys and eat Treece's head. Anne then kissed Brock so that Venom could come back into him, knowing what he'll do with other symbiotes, decides to face Riot before the ship is launched.[2]
Battle at the Life Foundation Headquarters[]
- "We won't let you destroy this world."
- ―Venom[src]

Brock and Venom stopping Riot and Carlton Drake
At the station, Brock climbed onto a wall and noticed Riot breaking out of a window, asking Venom that he could take only to responded with a chance they might lose. Despite knowing he'll lose, Brock proceeded to stop Carlton Drake and Riot by blocking their path, receiving a threat by them, they intensely fought against each other. Almost losing against his attacks, Brock gained the upper hand, after briefly being separated from Venom and soon they consumed each other.

Brock battles against Carlton Drake
Heading towards the rocket ship, Brock, Venom, Carlton, and Riot were separated due to Anne use of the ultrasound that activated a horn antenna. Falling down, Brock fell onto a platform and fought against Carlton. Brock punched Carlton in the face and kicked him off before he could finish his sentence. Walking away, Brock was stabbed through the back by Riot before entering the ship, causing his death. Venom arrived and bonded with Brock, resurrecting him and taking off the arm-blade, and used it to puncture the rocket's fuel-tanks, causing the rocket's liquid fuel to leak out. The leaked fuel then contacts the burning and superheated engines, causing the liquid fuel to ignite, and the rocket's fuel tanks to explode and rupture from the ignited fuel, and the rocket to also rupture, the ensuing explosion killing Drake and Riot. Venom saved Brock before being burned by the fire.[2][3]
Becoming Vigilantes[]
Goodbye to Anne Weying[]
- "Good Lord, look at that. - Look at the time. - I have to go."
- ―Eddie Brock to Anne Weying[src]
In the aftermath, the crimes of the Life Foundation were exposed. Brock was rehired and offered to make a special edition on Drake. Brock told Anne that he won't be back on screen and decided to write articles. Anne told Brock that the kiss before was Venom's idea, and that Dan must not know about it. Brock was surprised by the Anne's comment about their kiss but was mistaken for being bonded by Venom, to which Brock agreed about the power and how it wasn't completely awful. Venom distracted Brock about the fact that she doesn't know that he survived the fire and Anne noticed that Brock wasn't listening. Eddie then walked away and expresses his farewell.

Brock talking with the man
Walking down the street, Brock stumbled upon a dog owner who observed him and Anne and told him that he shouldn't give up on her, nor Venom should. Eddie agrees with him and pets his dog, while Venom commented on eating it. Settling down some ground rules, Brock lectured Venom about how people are good and bad and that he should only touch, harm, hurt, and possibly eat very bad individuals, to which Venom questions to know how one tells the difference, with Brock responding with just seeing and sensing it.[2]
Robbery of Mrs. Chen's Store[]

Feeling hungry, Brock went to Mrs. Chen's convenience store, greeting her and telling on how he was doing. While deciding what to eat before Venom would eat his liver, they decided on buying tater tots and maybe some chocolate, much to Venom's delight. However, a robber showed up to collect his money but was disappointed again from Mrs. Chen's uncooperative behavior and proceeded to aim a gun at her. Brock noticed the robber and was asked by Venom if he was a bad guy, to which he concurs.

Brock and Venom says their line to him
As Mrs. Chen was getting the money, Brock and Venom decided to subdue the robber and ate him alive. After consuming the robber for his crime, Chen horrifyingly told Brock of what had happened to him. Brock responded that he has parasite and said goodbye to Mrs. Chen. Venom angrily expressed his hatred of being called a parasite and told Brock to apologize. Brock apologized to Venom and asked what they should do next to which Venom replied that they could do whatever they want.[2]
Case of Cletus Kasady[]
Interviewing Cletus Kasady[]

Brock interviewing Cletus Kasady
- "Hi, Eddie."
"Do you mind if we forego the whole creepy serial killer thing?"
"Sure, it's good with me." - ―Cletus Kasady and Eddie Brock[src]
Brock was then scheduled to have an interview with a serial killer named Cletus Kasady, who asked to be interviewed by him. Brock went on a motorcycle trip to San Quentin State Prison and told the Venom symbiote to be quiet as this was his thing. After being ominously warned by one of the prison guards, Brock went to Cletus' cell, where he had already written with his own blood "WELCOME EDDIE". During their interview, Cletus told Brock to forgo "the whole creepy serial killer thing" as he could turn the serial-killer act on and off whenever he wanted. Cletus then asked Brock to get closer to him despite the guards' warnings and told him that he wouldn't tell him the locations of his other victims and that he planned to break out of prison, and once he does it, he will unleash "carnage" upon society.[2]
Career Boost[]
- "Welcome back, Eddie Brock. I've been thinking about you."
"What do you want, Cletus? I mean, why am I here?"
"Do a man who's buried alive a kindness, won't you? Get a message out to all my... fans. And in return, I'll give you my life..."
"...story." - ―Cletus Kasady and Eddie Brock[src]
About a year and a half after the battle at the Life Foundation,[4] Brock and Venom had settled into a system of cohabitation - though Brock was off-put by Venom's carnivorous appetite and bloodlust. At the behest of the FBI and Detective Mulligan, Brock continued interviewing Cletus Kasady - who saw Brock as a kindred spirit - to uncover where his victims were hidden. With Venom's help, Brock managed to uncover where the victims were hidden and wrote an exposé on the serial killer portraying him as a remorseless sociopath, which revived Brock's career but made the authorities officially give Cletus the death penalty.

Brock has another interview with Kasady
Brock and Venom had an argument about him not letting the symbiote eat bad guys as he previously promised, after finding out that Mrs. Chen didn't have chocolate at the store the symbiote had to settle with eating some chickens. The two interrupted a robbery and Brock stopped Venom from eating the robber. Brock left upon being contacted by Anne Weying, who she informed him that she was engaged to Dr. Lewis. Brock congratulated them, but Venom was irritated, with Anne quickly realizing that Venom was still alive. The symbiote consoled Eddie as he suffered from the engagement news. Brock was invited to attend Cletus' execution, and Cletus angrily berated Brock for having misrepresenting him in his exposé, accusing Brock of having betrayed everyone he cared about. Enraged, the Venom symbiote attacked Cletus, who bit Eddie's hand to escape, noticing something strange about the taste of his blood, much to Brock's anger.[1]
Separation from Venom[]

Brock is visited by Mulligan
After this, Brock had a falling out with the Venom symbiote over its unbridled aggression during which Brock told Venom he was worthless, much to the latter's sadness and anger. After fighting to kick each other out of their apartment, the two parted ways.
During this period, Brock discovered that Cletus Kasady escaped from prison, during an investigation at St. Estes Home for Unwanted Children, and realized that Frances Barrison would probably know more about Kasady. Brock tries to warn Detective Mulligan about that but he claimed that Frances was dead, which proved to be false as she was being kept at Ravencroft before being freed by Carnage.[1]
Stopping Carnage[]
Reuniting With Venom[]
- "Monsters? Uh, what-what do you mean... what do you mean, monsters?"
"Monsters, Eddie! Everywhere Cletus goes, so goes this supposed monster."
"Oh, God."
"Talk to me, Eddie." - ―Eddie Brock and Patrick Mulligan[src]

Brock is interrogated by Mulligan
Brock was subsequently arrested by Detective Mulligan, who had come to suspect that Brock was Venom due to the timing of Cletus' transformation following him biting Brock. During his interrogation Brock also realizes that Cletus was in possesion of another symbiote after people claim that Kasady is also followed by a monster. He uses his one phone call on Anne Weying to serve as his lawyer, Brock informed her of the situation and sent her to find Venom. Brock reveals that Venom has separated from him and needs the symbiote to fight Carnage together.
As Venom makes his way through San Francisco by hopping from body to body, Weying finds and convinces him to forgive Brock. She bonds with Venom and breaks Brock out of the police station. Brock and Venom make amends after Brock apologizes to him - bonding again.[1]
Duel at Grace Cathedral[]
- "I'm a killer with or without the monster, Eddie. You know what I really wanted?"
"No. What was it, Cletus?"
"I told you, but you weren't listening."
"Well, I'm listening now."
"I wanted your friendship."
"I'm sorry, Cletus." - ―Cletus Kasady and Eddie Brock[src]

Brock fights Kasady at the cathedral
Brock and the Venom symbiote reconciled and it rebonded to him but were later contacted by Dr. Lewis - who informed them that Detective Mulligan and Anne Weying had been captured by Cletus Kasady and his lover Frances Barrison. Venom crashed Cletus' makeshift marriage to Frances, but upon seeing Cletus transform into Carnage the Venom symbiote panicked and withdrew into Brock's body, forcing him to bribe it by offering to let it eat anyone it wanted.
While Carnage had initially overpowered Venom in the ensuing battle, Brock made Venom notice that Cletus' bond to the Carnage symbiote was inferior to their own - due to Carnage's desire to kill Frances due to her sonic powers conflicting with Cletus' love for her. Venom had provoked Frances into attacking with her sonic scream, separating both Brock and Cletus from their symbiotes - collapsing the cathedral in the process.

Brock apologizes to Cletus before killing him
The Venom symbiote re-bonded to Eddie, saving him from being crushed by the debris, and Venom ate the Carnage symbiote before it could re-bond to him. As Venom picked the defenselessness and injured Cletus up, the serial killer asked to speak to Eddie - who partially retracted the Venom symbiote from his face. Admitting that he was a murderer with or without the Carnage symbiote, Cletus told Brock that all he'd really wanted was for Brock to be his friend. Brock apologized to Cletus, but the Venom symbiote was unmoved and devoured Cletus' head before contemptuously tossing his body aside. As the police arrived to investigate the scene of the battle, Venom escaped with Anne and Dr. Lewis.[1]
Transferal to Another Universe[]
Discovering Spider-Man[]
Going on the run from the authorities after being marked as fugitives, Eddie Brock and the Venom traveled to Mexico, deciding to travel the world protecting the innocent as a superhero. While resting at a hotel, Venom explained to Brock that the Symbiote Hive-Mind granted it billions of years' worth of knowledge from wherever Symbiotes existed across the Multiverse.
When offered a glimpse into the Hive-Mind, Brock agreed despite Venom warning that this could drive him insane; but before the symbiote could do anything they were suddenly engulfed by a mysterious shockwave, finding themselves in a mostly identical hotel room in an otherwise unfamiliar location.

Brock as Venom sees Spider-Man on TV
While, Brock and Venom expressed confusion as to what had happened, a broadcast by a news station called The Daily Bugle aired on the television, with the anchor J. Jonah Jameson denouncing Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, as a supervillain for the murder of Mysterio. The symbiote engulfing Brock, Venom declared his intent to eat Spider-Man and licked the screen. As the hotel room's occupant returned, the symbiote quickly retracted into Brock's body, leaving him to answer the man's demands as to why an intruder was in his room.[1]
Brock and Venom were drinking in a bar in that universe and learning about the heroes and threats of it, when they were returned back due to the correction of a magic spell.[5][3]
Liberation of the Fighting Dogs[]
To be added[3]
Chase of Venom[]
To be added[3]
Learning about Knull[]
To be added[3]
Escaping from the Xenophages[]
Ambushed by Rex Strickland[]
To be added[3]
Befriending Martin Moon's Family[]
To be added[3]
Reunion with Mrs. Chen[]
To be added[3]
Captured by Rex Strickland[]
To be added[3]
Escape from Area 55[]
To be added[3]
Attack on Area 51[]
To be added[3]
A New Beginning[]
Forgiven by the Government[]
To be added[3]
Visiting the Statue of Liberty[]
To be added[3]
- "You are pathologically self-absorbed. Your ego requires constant attention, and you're stubborn as hell."
- ―Anne Weying to Eddie Brock[src]
Eddie Brock can be described as somewhat of a narcissist as shown when he continuously disregarded Venom's contribution to the improvement in his life. Following her losing her job because of Eddie's violation of her privacy, Anne Weying described Brock as pathologically self-absorbed, stating his ego requires constant attention and that he is "stubborn as hell". Despite becoming jaded after losing his job, Eddie ultimately decides to help Dora Skirth expose Carlton Drake's crimes, leading to him bonding to the Venom symbiote.
Despite Eddie's flaws, he possesses a strong sense of justice that compels him to punish those he sees as evil, rooted in his childhood desire to be seen as a hero. But this compulsion lead to him committing morally questionably acts himself and saw him being discredited as a reporter in New York, violating Anne's privacy; in order to obtain incriminating evidence against Drake and ultimately cost him his job at the MNBN.
Despite being disgusted and frightened; by Venom's bloodlust, Eddie quickly grows to revel in the power it gives him, and is offended and outraged; when he discovers that; it has been consuming him from the inside-out. Following their reunion, Eddie was initially still bitter towards him; but after the defeat of the Life Foundation, he; makes sure to stipulate that; the symbiote cannot eat; whoever it wants; but can only target bad people.
Well Eddie initially expresses hope that; he and Anne could get back together, he comes to accept her relationship with Dr. Dan Lewis and apologizes for ruining her career as a lawyer.
Powers and Abilities[]
Former Powers[]
- Symbiotic Enhancement/Symbiotic Black Suit: Eddie has several superhuman attributes as a result of his association with the Venom symbiote, which covers his body in black biomass. This increases Eddie's abilities, such as strength, durability, speed, agility and healing at superhuman levels. In addition, he can also use the symbiote as a weapon while in human form.
- Superhuman Strength: With Venom, Eddie can effortlessly pick up and throw adult humans considerable distances, even when not fully enveloped in it. As Venom, Eddie could crush an entire car by jumping onto it, in part due to his added size. He was able to fight against Carlton Drake who was bonded with Riot, and despite being initially overpowered and even killed by Riot, Venom was able to revive Eddie in the knick of time to blow up the rocket containing Drake and Riot to kill them for good.
- Superhuman Durability: With Venom, Eddie can withstand numerous impact forces that can cause any sort of discomfort, such as withstanding gas grenades, explosives that are thrown at him, and a severe attack from the Riot symbiote.
- Superhuman Speed: With Venom, Eddie can move at superhuman speeds, outpacing trained mercenaries using military grade vehicles and equipment.
- Superhuman Agility: With Venom, Eddie has superhuman levels of agility far greater than regular humans. Able to effortlessly navigate up large buildings.
- Shapeshifting:
Eddie using Venom's tentacle extensions
- Tentacle Extension: With Venom, Eddie can extend the symbiote matter at will, forming them into tendril and tentacle-like appendages allowing him to knock down enemies and grapple towards objects and structures.
- Wall-Crawling: With Venom, Eddie has gained the ability to cling onto walls by controlling the symbiote's movements. Having to go inside up a building, Eddie had to vertically scale onto the surface without falling. Despite being able to descend into very upscale heights, Venom is able to attach itself to a wall and save Eddie from a fall.
- Regenerative Healing Factor:
Eddie using Venom's healing factor
- Telepathy: Whilst bonded, Eddie and Venom are able to communicate telepathically.
- Expert Investigator: Eddie is an expert investigative reporter. He is the former host of The Eddie Brock Report, with his old boss stating that he was one of the best investigative reporters working then. Before he was fired, he discovered Carlton Drake's fatal experiments with symbiotes on the homeless, and he learned of Cletus Kasady's roots.
- Skilled Combatant: Eddie is somewhat skilled in unarmed hand-to-hand combat. He fought against Carlton Drake, demonstrating techniques from professional wrestling. When bonded with Venom, his fighting skills are greatly enhanced, as they allow him to contend with armed security guards. Although he seemed to be easily overpowered when faced with the serial killer Cletus Kasady.
- "You know, I used to be a reporter. I was... I was pretty successful as well, you know? My job, it required you to... you know, to follow people that did not want to be followed and hide in plain sight. I mean... you have to know how to disappear. I was pretty good, but, you know, you... whoever you are, you suck."
- ―Eddie Brock to Dora Skirth[src]
- Stealth: As a result of being a great reporter, Eddie has shown great ability to avoid being seen in certain situations. He was able to successfully infiltrate the Life Foundation and would have succeeded if he hadn't tried to save Maria, which is what got him caught. Eddie was also able to evade the authorities following his escape from the police station while searching for Cletus Kasady and Carnage.
- Symbiote Separation: If the symbiote Venom is not connected to Eddie, he is just a normal human without powers and is vulnerable to injury or death, as shown when he tried taunting an armed Roland Treece and attacking him, to no avail.
- Sensitivity to high frequencies: Under Venom, Eddie is sensitive to extreme loud noises too, causing severe pain if the symbiote isn't removed from him.
Appearances for Eddie Brock |
In chronological order: |
- In the comics, Edward Charles Allan Brock is a reporter who was embarrassed in front of his fellow journalists by Spider-Man. Developing a hatred for Spider-Man, he headed to a church to commit suicide where he bonded with a symbiote, becoming Venom. After teaming up with the Spider-Man as a way to defeat Carnage, Eddie alongside the symbiote became the anti-hero known as the Lethal Protector.
- Eddie Brock in Sony's Spider-Man Universe is the second incarnation of the character following an incarnation portrayed by Topher Grace.
- This version of Eddie Brock/Venom appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Spider-Man: No Way Home.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Jacob Tomuri, Dave Lovano, Jimmy N. Roberts and Tony Carbajal were stunt doubles for Tom Hardy in the role of Venom.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Venom: Let There Be Carnage
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Venom
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 Venom: The Last Dance
- ↑ Venom 2 Is Set About A Year & A Half After First Movie
- ↑ As depicted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe production Spider-Man: No Way Home.